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Add New Locations to Google Maps


Add New Locations to Google Maps



Google Map Maker

Google Map Maker

Google Map Maker

Google Map Maker

Now they’ve enhanced the user editing feature of Google Maps and now allow you to add new items to the map. I wanted to add one, but the few new places near us were already in there. However, adding a new location is very easy:

Do it step by step.


+Search the listings.
+Click the “Add a place to the map” link at the bottom of the left column
+Drag the marker to the location of the business, fill in the details, and submit it.
+That’s it!


With any of those editing features, Google still keeps a copy of the original listing, along with a record of each change that is made. All of this will only serve to make the data in Google Maps even more accurate for everyone to use.

 Google Map Maker: How to Edit a Feature


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